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About Sukkot


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  ohav zedek  
  About Congregation Ohav Zedek  

We offer Shabbat and festival services. Our religious services are conducted according to traditional Orthodox halacha (Jewish law). We use the Artscroll Ashkenaz siddur as our standard, but Nusach Sefard and Nusach Ari siddurim are also available. There are extra tallitot (prayer shawls), tefillin, and even gartels available.

  Places of Worship

The main shul, pictures of which are on the home page of this website, is open and maintains services all year round. For evening Shabbat and holiday services, the minyan is held at the JCC in Kingston (613 S.J. Strauss Ln.) to accommodate those who walk at night. See our schedule on the right for current minyan locations.

  Mikvah - Kashrut - Eruv

The Vaad Hakashrut of Luzerne County oversees the Mikvah and the Eruv. The JCC in Kingston (613 SJ Strauss Lane) is under Vaad supervision and serves lunch every day (except Shabbat and Yom Tov). The local supermarket Market32 (Edwardsville) has a kosher aisle and special refrigerated section for kosher meat, and poultry.

  Torah Study

Rabbi Kaplan conducts classes at Ohav Zedek and the JCC on issues pertaining to the weekly parsha, upcoming holidays, and other Torah subjects. Questions and discussion after the lectures is welcome and encouraged. Many of these classes are streamed simultaneously on ZOOM, and recordings are posted to our website. See our schedule notes and PDF flyers for upcoming learning opportunities.

  Shabbat in Our Community

We welcome you to experience Shabbat in our community. Accommodations are available in both Wilkes-Barre and Kingston. Those wishing home hospitality can be housed with members of our community who are extraordinarily hospitable and inviting.

There are also �Bed & Breakfast� establishments near the shul. They are historic buildings that have been exquisitely renovated and are well rated. (The food served is not under any kashrut supervision.) There is also Genetti�s, a Best Western Hotel, that is located downtown, approximately a five to ten minute walk from the synagogue. They can assist you with the electronic doorlock, if you make prior arrangements.

  We'd Love to Speak With You
For more information and to arrange a visit, please call the synagogue office at 570-825-6619 or email Sara. We look forward to discussing with you how we can be of assistance.

    Fri. Candle Lighting    5:49 PM   
    Fri. Mincha/Maariv (JCC)    6:00 PM   
    Shabbat Shacharit (OZ)    9:00 AM   
    Shabbat Mincha (JCC)    6:00 PM   
    Maariv/Shabbat Ends    6:57 PM   
    (See Schedule PDF        
    for full Sukkot Schedule)       
    (No weekday minyans       
    currently scheduled)       
    (See Schedule PDF       
    for Shemini Atzeret/       
    Simchat Torah Schedule)       
  Click here to view Schedule PDF  
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    Congregation Ohav Zedek
242 South Franklin Street
wilkes-barre, pa 18701